HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS – VIII ENGLISH:- Find at least 5 endangered species and write a paragraph on it keeping following points in mind. Where did they find? Why are they extinct? Source and reason for their extinct? What methods should we take to conserve them? Workbook:- do chapter 1 & 2 (in book) Grammar: – Make a presentation on noun using different examples and pictures. HINDI:- i;kZokph ‘kCn fyf[k, A (15) foykse ‘kCn fyf[k, A (15) xzh”e _rq ij fuca/k fyf[k, A ty leL;k lek/kku ds fy;s uxj&fuxe ds v/;{k dks i= fyf[k;s A(in file) SANSKRIT:- fo/kk;k% efgek ds dksbZ nks ‘yksd ;kn djds vFkZ lfgr fy[kks ¼ist ua-&6½ i`PN&iwNuk ds yV~ ykdj&y`Vydkj ds iq:”k opu fy[kks ¼ist ua-&20½ MATHS:- Learn Read More …
Category: News
Holiday homework & Activities for Class 7th.
HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS – VII ENGLISH:- Imagine that you have been selected to deliver a speech on the occasion of ‘Teacher’s Day’ think of what you would like to express and write in your Eng. H.W. Portion. Learn and write 20 synonyms and 20 antonyms and also make the sentence in Gra. H.W. portion. Have you watched a television program related to dance recently write a short review or your opinion of the program for a local Magazine based on given in M.C.B. Pg.16 in Eng. C.W. Copy. HINDI:- i;kZ;okph ‘kCn] foykse ‘kCn] vusd ‘kCnkssa ds fy;s ,d ‘kCn] eqgkojs ,oa yksdksfDr;k¡ fy[kks 20&20 d{kk 8 ds Nk=ksa ds lkFk QqVcky [ksyus ds fy;s izk/kkukpk;Z dks i= fy[kks A fo|ky; Read More …
Holiday homework & Activities for Class 6th.
HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS – VI ENGLISH:- Write diary on any two topics in H.W. portion How you overcome come your fear? What really makes you laugh? The best day of your life. Make a chart of parts of speech on chart paper. English workbook – Do worksheet 1 and 2 in the workbook. HINDI:- 10 i;kZckph ] 10 eqgkjs ] ,ca 10 fcykse ‘kCn fyf[k, A vkius xzh”e vodk’k D;k D;k djus dh ;kstuk, cukbZ fyf[k, A vius izpk;Z dks rhu fnu ds vodk’k ds fy, i+= fyf[k, A SANSKRIT:- Loj vkSj O;atu fdls dgrs gS A muds Hksnksa ds uke fyf[k, A iB&i<+uk ds yV~ydkj ] y`Vydkj ds iq#”k cpu fy[ks rFkk ;kn djks A (pg 102) vO;; fdls Read More …
Summer Vacations Starts from Today & Will get re-open on 22nd June 2017.
Holiday Homework & Activites for Nursery to UKG.
Holiday homework & Activities for Class 1st to 5th.
Deepak Memorial Academy & Deepak Music & Fine arts college going to start Summer Camp included basketball & table tennis from 1st of May.
Principal DMA Mrs. Ritoo Jaiswal and School Co-coordinator Mr. Anil Prakash Singh being recognized for their efforts for enhancing the awareness and level of academics by Silver Zone Foundation.
Demo Class on International Physical Education Program held today for the students of Class 5th by the Group came from Mumbai.
Student’s enjoy the day with full of joy & energy in the training session on physical fitness activities.
Paper pen test started from today from class 1st to 10th
Sports Activity of CLass UKG
Today, in the Sports Activity, Students of Class UKG enjoyed the balancing race with great enthusiasm.